Data & System Migration

AHT, our team will work closely with you to help migrate your data quickly, easily, and with minimal disruption.

Data migration is a key component when moving to a new system built in-house or purchased from a vendor. With AHT, our team will work closely with you to help migrate your data quickly, easily, and with minimal disruption – if any – to your ongoing operations, and trust our experts will ensure your data is preserved and intact. We are experts at migrating data from your legacy systems. Our experienced and tenured Data Migration Services team has completed many large and small scale migration projects for our clients. If you have a system with data, we can migrate it. Building assessments, work order, tenant, contact, equipment, tasks, schedules, historical data and more can all be converted. Leverage the expertise of our experienced professionals in driving a structured methodology. We believe in the tool-based approach that involves a seven-step process to ensure successful execution of data migration:

1. Source System Exploration

2. Data Assessments

3. Migration Design

4. Migration Build

5. Execution

6. Transition

7. Production